Polar bears stranded on Arctic isle stir emotional cries for rescue
OSLO (AFP) May 11, 2004
A polar bear and her two cubs stranded on an island in the Arctic after being caught off guard by a rapid ice melt now face starvation, officials said on Tuesday as Norwegians made emotional calls for an emergency rescue mission.

Stranded on Bjoernoeya ("Bear Island" in Norwegian), a small island in the Svalbard archipelago, the female bear and her young, who were probably born at the beginning of this year, no longer have access to their primary food source, seals, which have disappeared with the ice.

While they will probably be able to survive for a short while on dead birds and eggs, the bears, and especially the cubs, will have a hard time hanging on until the ice and the seals return next winter, according to experts.

"We currently do not have any plans to intervene," Sissel Aarvik, the environmental adviser for the Svalbard archipelago, told AFP.

"In nature most animals after all generally don't survive their first year," she added.

In theory, the bears could be drugged before being air-lifted and then shipped to an ice cap, or they could be fed from a meteorological observation station on the island. In both cases, however, the operations would be difficult and dangerous, according to Aarvik.

Environmental organizations have also said they are in favor of letting nature run its course.

"If we were to do something, it would take considerable efforts. The question is how much money allotted to environmental protection this one operation would take," Rasmus Hansson, secretary general of WWF Norway, told

"And then how much carbon dioxide and emissions of pollutants from the helicopters and the ships are the lives of these bears worth?" he added.

Many Norwegians are however in favor of saving the polar bears, which are an endangered species, according to the country's media.

About 80 percent of some 1,900 Internet users responding to a query on Norwegian daily Dagbladet's website said they were in favor of an intervention to save the three bears.