June 19, 2007 24/7 News Coverage packed with life
Scientists Study Results From Stealth Tsunami That Killed 600 In Java Last Summer
Savannah GA (SPX) Jun 19, 2007
Though categorized as magnitude 7.8, the earthquake could scarcely be felt by beachgoers that afternoon. A low tide and wind-driven waves disguised the signs of receding water, so when the tsunami struck, it caught even lifeguards by surprise. That contributed to the death toll of more than 600 persons in Java, Indonesia. "The general assumption was that if you were near the coast where ... read more


Memory Foam Mattress Review
Previous Issues Jun 18 Jun 15 Jun 14 Jun 13 Jun 12
Climate Models Consistent With Ocean Warming Observations
Livermore CA (SPX) Jun 19, 2007
Climate models are reliable tools that help researchers better understand the observed record of ocean warming and variability. That's the finding of a group of Livermore scientists, who in collaboration with colleagues at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, had earlier established that climate models can replicate the ocean warming observed during the latter half of the 20th century, and that ... more

MCA Backs Closure of Arctic Waters
Anchorage AL (SPX) Jun 19, 2007
The Marine Conservation Alliance (MCA) supports action by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) to close all federal waters north of the Bering Strait to commercial fishing until a management plan is fully developed. "Climate change is having a significant effect on the Arctic, opening previously ice-covered waters and drawing cold water species further north," said MCA's Dave ... more

Japan Plants Coral To Save Sinking Territory
Tokyo (AFP) June 18, 2007
Japan has begun planting baby coral on a remote Pacific atoll in a multi-million-dollar project to save sinking islets and defend a territorial claim disputed with China, officials said Monday. Japan regards the rocky isles of Okinotori, 1,700 kilometres (1,060 miles) south of Tokyo, as the southernmost point of its territory, letting it set its 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone around ... more

NOAA Satellites Ready For Active Hurricane Season
Washington DC (SPX) Jun 19, 2007
With an active Atlantic hurricane season expected for 2007, NOAA's high-powered satellites are ready to send forecasters a steady stream of crisp, detailed images, and other important data, of any storm that develops in the Western Hemisphere. The NOAA Satellite and Information Service operates a fleet of spacecraft that monitor the weather, including conditions that trigger hurricanes and the ... more

Contract Signed For Building Of GMES Sentinel-1 Satellite
Paris, France (ESA) Jun 19, 2007
ESA and Thales Alenia Space have signed a 229 million euro contract for the design and development of Sentinel-1, the first Earth observation satellite to be built for Europe's Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) programme. ESA's Director General, Jean-Jacques Dordain, and President and CEO of Thales Alenia Space, Pascale Sourisse, signed the contract on behalf of the Italian ... more

  • Arctic Spring Comes Weeks Earlier Than A Decade Ago

  • When Fungi Ruled The World

  • Ukraine To Launch Earth Observation Satellite In 2008
    Earth News, Earth Sciences, Climate Change, Energy Technology, Environment News  
    GE Energy Advances Its Cleaner Coal Solutions For Low Rank Coals
    Atlanta (SPX) Jun 19, 2007
    GE Energy has as acquired high-pressure feeder pump technology from Stamet Inc.--an investment that is expected to accelerate GE's offering of a cleaner coal solution using sub-bituminous coals, such as Powder River Basin (PRB) coal. GE is currently a leader in cleaner coal, or integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), technology for plants using eastern bituminous coal or petroleum coke ... more

    Pending Tax Credit Will Make Commercial Solar Systems A Financial Reality In Oregon
    Portland OR (SPX) Jun 19, 2007
    Oregon may have a reputation for cloudy weather, but the forecast for the state's solar energy industry will soon be among the sunniest in the country. That's the assessment of Russ Wright, a local solar panel marketing executive, who calls the pending Business Energy Tax Credit (BETC) legislation "free money" for Oregon business owners who invest in solar. The BETC -- anticipated to pass ... more

    Nanoparticles Unlock The Future Of Superalloy Metals
    Albuquerque NM (SPX) Jun 19, 2007
    Sandia National Laboratories is pioneering the future of superalloy materials by advancing the science behind how those superalloys are made. As part of Sandia's nanoscale research, a group of experts specializing in inorganic synthesis and characterization, modeling, and radiation science have designed a radical system of experiments to study the science of creating metal and alloy ... more

    US Agricultural Carbon Offset Program Will Capture And Destroy Methane From 200 Farms
    Columbus OH (SPX) Jun 19, 2007
    American Electric Power has announced an agreement with an affiliate of Environmental Credit Corp. (ECC) to purchase approximately 4.6 million carbon credits between 2010 and 2017 generated from capturing methane on livestock farms. (One carbon credit is equal to one ton of carbon dioxide reduction.) The agreement is part of the first large-scale livestock methane offset program ... more

    Researchers Examine Carbon Capture And Storage To Combat Global Warming
    Stanford CA (SPX) Jun 19, 2007
    While solar power and hybrid cars have become popular symbols of green technology, Stanford researchers are exploring another path for cutting emissions of carbon dioxide, the leading greenhouse gas that causes global warming. Carbon capture and storage, also called carbon sequestration, traps carbon dioxide after it is produced and injects it underground. The gas never enters the ... more

  • AeroAstro Extends Globalstar Simplex Data Service Eastern Australia And New Zealand

  • US Pushed Hard Against Taiwan NukesIn 1970s

  • Former Cold War Foes Fail To Agree On Arms Treaty Review

  • Does The US Need New Nuclear Weapons
    Energy News - Technology - Business - Environment  
    World Desertification Day Puts Spotlight On Neglected Crisis
    Paris (AFP) June 15, 2007
    The United Nations on Sunday sounds a loud alarm about desertification, warning that global warming is helping to drive the onward march of parched land and, in years to come, millions of people could be driven from their homes. Of six billion humans, nearly a fifth are threatened directly or indirectly by desertification, experts warn ahead of the UN's annual World Day to Combat ... more

    Ancient DNA Traces The Woolly Mammoth Disappearance
    London UK (SPX) Jun 18, 2007
    Some ancient-DNA evidence has offered new clues to a very cold case: the disappearance of the last woolly mammoths, one of the most iconic of all Ice Age giants, according to a June 7th report published online in Current Biology, a publication of Cell Press. DNA lifted from the bones, teeth, and tusks of the extinct mammoths revealed a "genetic signature" of a range expansion after the last ... more

    UN Secretary General Points To Climate Change As Partly Behind Darfur Disaster
    Washington (AFP) June 16, 2007
    UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that the slaughter in Darfur was triggered by global climate change and that more such conflicts may be on the horizon, in an article published Saturday. "The Darfur conflict began as an ecological crisis, arising at least in part from climate change," Ban said in a Washington Post opinion column. UN statistics showed that rainfall declined some 40 ... more

    Down On The Virtual Farm With GrassGro 3
    Canberra, Australia (SPX) Jun 18, 2007
    Graziers will have improved access to decades of CSIRO grazing research with the release of GrassGro 3, the latest version of the high-powered grazing management software. Launched at the Grasslands Society of Southern Australia's annual conference today by Tim Prance, Senior Consultant in Pastures and Grazing Systems with Rural Solutions South Australia, GrassGro version 3 includes a new ... more

    Book Makes Case For Using Evolution In Everyday Life
    Binghamton, NY (SPX) Jun 18, 2007
    Evolution is not just about human origins, dinosaurs and fossils, says Binghamton University evolutionist David Sloan Wilson. It can also be applied to almost every aspect of human life, as he demonstrates in his first book for a general audience, Evolution for Everyone: How Darwin's Theory Can Change the Way We Think About Our Lives (Bantam Press 2007). Using witty, straightforward ... more

    24/7 news coverage of Your world at War.  
  • The High Cost Of The Beijing Olympics

  • Toxic Algae Pose New Health Scare In China

  • Antarctic To Cover Global Water Shortage

  • Hurricane Blows Hispanic Workers Back To New Orleans
    Previous Issues Jun 18 Jun 15 Jun 14 Jun 13 Jun 12

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