
Ingredient in diarrhea medicine leads to sustainable new farm fertilizer
The search for a sustainable slow-release fertilizer - a key to sustaining global food production at a time of burgeoning population growth - has led scientists to an ingredient used in some diarrhe ... more
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Farm injury risks increase with age
Older North American farmers work fewer hours than their younger peers but spend more time operating heavy machinery and equipment-raising their risk of serious injury, according to new research fro ... more
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Environmentally friendly chemistry important for manufacturing pharmaceuticals
Limiting the quantity of catalysts - substances that trigger a chemical reaction - used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals is important, and research from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, ha ... more
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Desert farming forms bacterial communities that promote drought resistance
When there is little water available for plants to grow, their roots form alliances with soil microbes that can promote plant growth even under water-limiting conditions, according to research publi ... more