
A nanoscale window to the biological world
If the key to winning battles is knowing both your enemy and yourself, then scientists are now well on their way toward becoming the Sun Tzus of medicine by taking a giant step toward a priceless ad ... more
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New whole plant therapy shows promise as an effective and economical treatment for malaria
In the worldwide battle to curtail malaria, one of the most prevalent and deadly infectious diseases of the developing world, drug after drug has fallen by the wayside as the malaria parasite has be ... more
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Unraveling the threads: Simplest cotton genome offers clues for fiber improvements
From the stockings decorating mantles to the new outfits in display windows calling to shoppers, cotton is woven into the fabric of the holiday season. For bioenergy researchers, however, fiber comp ... more
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Small wasps to control a big pest?
With the purpose of developing new biological methods to control one of the major pests affecting the southwest Europe pine stands, a joint collaboration leaded by the Instituto Nacional de Investig ... more