
Magma in mantle has deep impact
Magma forms far deeper than geologists previously thought, according to new research at Rice University. A group led by geologist Rajdeep Dasgupta put very small samples of peridotite under very lar ... more
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Vietnam is targeting its critics, HRW says
The jail sentences given to 14 activists by a Vietnamese court marks a sharp escalation of government attacks on its critics, Human Rights Watch said. ... more
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80 dead as temperature hits record low in Bangladesh
A cold snap which saw temperatures drop on Thursday to their lowest point in Bangladesh's post-independence history has killed around 80 people, officials said. ... more
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Six million turn out for global garbage clean-up
More than six million volunteers from 96 countries collected an unprecedented 100,000 tonnes of garbage last year as part of a global, web-driven clean-up campaign, cyber-environmentalists said Friday. ... more