Exurban residences impact bird communities up to 200 meters away
As part of the study, scientists sampled the presence of 20 species of birds both near and far from 30 rural residences in the Adirondack Park. Calculating their occurrence at increasing distances f ... more
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Nut-cracking monkeys use shapes to strategize their use of tools
Bearded capuchin monkeys deliberately place palm nuts in a stable position on a surface before trying to crack them open, revealing their capacity to use tactile information to improve tool use. The ... more
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Argentine soybean yield goes below budget
Argentina's soybean yield will be much lower than expected, affecting national income projections based on exports in the coming months. ... more
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Online plan to boost Philippine eagle numbers
The mating rituals of two captive Philippine eagles are being broadcast live over the Internet to rally global support for saving of the world's rarest and biggest raptors, conservationists said Thursday. ... more