
Brazil supermarkets to keep Amazon meat off shelves
A group representing Brazilian supermarkets has committed to keeping beef from cattle raised in the Amazon rainforest off the shelves, officials said. ... more
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'Water Security': Experts propose a UN definition on which much depends
Amid changing weather and water patterns worldwide and forecasts of more severe transformations to come, calls have been growing for the UN Security Council to include water issues on its agenda. ... more
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The long winter ahead
Secluded from civilisation and living in a white desert, the crew at the Concordia research base in Antarctica have settled in to their home and are ready for the cold, long winter ahead.
Afte ... more
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Additional research must be done to ensure safety of pit latrines
Pit latrines are one of the most common human excreta disposal systems globally, and their use is on the rise as countries aim to meet the sanitation-related target of the Millennium Development Goa ... more