
Osmosis is not driven by water dilution
Osmosis - the flow of a solvent across a semipermeable membrane from a region of lower to higher solute concentration - is a well-developed concept in physics and biophysics. The problem is that, ev ... more
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An Ancient Biosonar Sheds New Light on the Evolution of Echolocation in Toothed Whales
Some thirty million years ago, Ganges river dolphins diverged from other toothed whales, making them one of the oldest species of aquatic mammals that use echolocation, or biosonar, to navigate and ... more
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Remote reefs can be tougher than they look
Isolated coral reefs can recover from catastrophic damage as effectively as those with nearby undisturbed neighbours, a long-term study by marine biologists from the Australian Institute of Marine S ... more
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Outside View: Gun laws and violence
With the U.S. Senate will likely to vote on a bipartisan bill to toughen federal gun controls, Americans should remember the effectiveness of government regulations has limits. Ultimately, new laws will give Americans a false sense of security and further delay efforts to address cultural dysfunctions that give rise to so much violence. ... more