
Online pictures of dead birds spur China flu openness
Photos of 10 dead sparrows on a Chinese pavement which went viral on social media and drew a swift official response show how hard covering up a bird flu outbreak would be in the Internet age. ... more
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Brazil's indigenous protest to defend ancestral lands
Hundreds of indigenous people from across Brazil pressed Congress Tuesday to block a reform package meant to benefit farmers which they say threatens their way of life. ... more
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Sharks dive by the moon: study
The moon and water temperature affect the diving behaviour of sharks, researchers reported Tuesday, in a discovery that could help prevent fishermen from catching the marine predators inadvertently. ... more
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Taiwan to ban killing of live poultry in markets
Taiwan is planning a permanent ban on the killing of live poultry in traditional markets amid concerns over the spread of the H7N9 avian flu virus in China, an official said Tuesday. ... more