Panic grips Saudis amid fears of SARS-like virus
Panic gripped Saudis in the country's east on Monday, where most cases of the deadly coronavirus have been detected, witnesses said, as the death toll from the SARS-like virus in the kingdom hit 15. ... more
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Neiker-Tecnalia develops a new method for the early detection of vineyard mildew, powdery mildew and botrytis
The Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development, Neiker-Tecnalia, has developed a new method for the early detection of the diseases mildew, powdery mildew and botrytis in vines.
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Loss of Eastern Hemlock Will Affect Forest Water Use
The loss of eastern hemlock from forests in the Southern Appalachian region of the United States could permanently change the area's hydrologic cycle, reports a new study by U.S. Forest Service scie ... more
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Sacred lotus genome sequence enlightens scientists
The sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is a symbol of spiritual purity and longevity. Its seeds can survive up to 1,300 years, its petals and leaves repel grime and water, and its flowers generate heat ... more
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Salk researchers chart epigenomics of stem cells that mimic early human development
Scientists have long known that control mechanisms known collectively as "epigenetics" play a critical role in human development, but they did not know precisely how alterations in this extra layer ... more