
No health risk from Fukushima radiation: UN
Radiation leaked after Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 is unlikely to cause any ill health effects in the future, a UN scientific committee drawing up a major new report said Friday. ... more
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Mexico hurricane leaves three dead, four missing
Eight fishermen who had gone missing after Hurricane Barbara hit southern Mexico returned to shore Thursday after riding out the storm by eating shrimp on an island, but authorities were still searching for four other sailors. ... more
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Struggling Senegal fishermen turn to aquaculture
Tilapia splash and flip in a pond by the Senegal River where a fishing industry devastated by a dramatic decline in catches has turned to the burgeoning business of aquaculture. ... more
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No benefit from double dose of Tamiflu for flu: study
Tamiflu, the frontline treatment for influenza, offers no benefit for patients if it is administered in double the normal dose, a study conducted in Southeast Asia said on Thursday. ... more