
Apocalyptic scenes as smog engulfs Singapore
Fast-food deliveries have been cancelled, the army has suspended field training and even Singapore's top marathon runner has retreated as residents try to protect themselves from the smog that has descended on the city-state. ... more
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Indonesia says Singapore 'behaving like a child' over haze
Indonesia on Thursday accused Singapore of acting "like a child" over acrid smog from forest fires in Sumatra that has triggered the city-state's worst environmental crisis in more than a decade, as the two nations held talks. ... more
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Lourdes devastated as France counts cost of freak weather
France said Thursday it would declare a state of natural disaster in the southwest of the country after floods claimed three lives and devastated Lourdes. ... more
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Iceland kills first fin whales in controversial hunt
Icelandic whalers have killed the first two fin whales of the season after resuming their controversial commercial hunt earlier this week, whaling officials said Wednesday. ... more