
Ozone hole might slightly warm planet
A lot of people mix up the ozone hole and global warming, believing the hole is a major cause of the world's increasing average temperature. Scientists, on the other hand, have long attributed a sma ... more
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Strangers invade the homes of giant bacteria
Life is not a walk in the park for the world's largest bacteria, that live as soft, noodle-like, white strings on the bottom of the ocean depths. Without being able to fend for themselves, they get ... more
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UI researcher finds human activity muddies causes of Texas floods
Periodic flooding in Texas-one the most flood-prone states in the nation-cannot be firmly linked to climate change due to numerous dams and other manmade structures introduced over the years, accord ... more
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Psychological adaptation to urbanization, technology reflected in word usage over last 200 years
New research shows that as culture has evolved over the last two centuries - with increasing urbanization, greater reliance on technology, and widespread availability of formal education - so has hu ... more